Benefits of Online Education for Remote Work & Work from Home Jobs

A student on his laptop and holding a pen

统计数据显示 that in 2023, nearly twenty-two million adults worked from home full-time. 在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间,远程工作越来越受欢迎,许多公司都坚持这种模式. While this can be more convenient for many, remote work requires a slightly different skillset than your traditional 9-5. 在线学习可以帮助学生发展这些可转移的技能,并更好地为未来的远程工作机会做好准备. 


可转移技能是指在一个领域发展起来的技能,可以用在另一个领域. 很多时候,可转移技能是从学习空间带到日常生活中. 在线学习者将看到,他们在日常学校生活中使用的技能可以帮助他们在未来的远程工作机会中获得成功. 

How Online School Prepares Students for Remote Work



One of the benefits of online education is learning time management skills. 在线上课要求学生跟踪他们的作业和上课时间. 虽然他们被规定了固定的作业截止日期,并且仍然需要每周上学一定的时间——就像远程工作一样——在线学校的学生在上学期间完成课程时比亲自上课的学生有更大的灵活性. If students are not good at managing their time with their other activities and responsibilities, they may not meet their deadlines.   


在线学习者在在家工作的竞争中占有优势,因为当人们在家工作时, 他们被期望在没有主管24小时在旁边检查他们的工作是否完成的情况下工作效率很高. 在家工作的员工需要专注于自己的任务,而不是被社交媒体分散注意力, 电话, 在家做家务, or other tasks that can lead to an unproductive workday. 类似的, online schools ask for students to be self-starters, which can help them prepare for remote work.

团队合作 & 沟通

能够在网络环境中与他人合作需要有出色的沟通技巧和自我意识, 由于远程工作者经常需要在没有实际在一起的情况下就项目进行协作. 幸运的是, 这是在线学习者在进入职场之前可能已经掌握的技能. When students are receiving an online education, 他们正在学习如何在没有老师或同学直接在场的情况下作为一个团队工作. 而不是等待别人注意到他们可能在一个话题上挣扎,或者他们是否需要在一个项目上合作, 在线学校的学生可能会觉得自己与他人接触更舒服. 



Remote work requires many of the same technical skills as remote learning. Online learners must know how to use certain computer programs, 日程安排工具, be able to chat online, and know how to share vital information if they want to succeed. Those working from home often use similar platforms such as Google Meet, 松弛, and Zoom to attend meetings and stay connected to their co-workers.

Organizational 技能

Organizational skills are a vital part of online learning. Part of staying organized is maintaining an adequate workspace. Having an organized and an adequate 国内课堂 can help your student be successful now and in their future job. 无论是客厅里的专用办公桌,还是他们每天设置的灵活工作站, 有在家学习经验的学生更有可能已经花了时间来完善工作和生活在同一个空间之间的平衡. 


Online learners see how important it is to have a work-life balance. They know how to give themselves enough time to get their work done, but also have enough downtime so they don’t get burned out. 当人们在家工作时,很难划清界限,因为工作总是在那里, making it difficult to determine when the workday stops, and personal time begins. 在线学习者知道如何享受在家工作的灵活性,并为自己的一天设定界限,这样他们仍然有时间陪伴朋友和家人.

Working Flexible Hours

在线教育的好处之一是学生可以在任何地方上网学习. They can also complete their assignments when they are most attentive, especially if they are not wide awake at 8 am. 在线学习者现在使用的这种灵活的时间表可以帮助他们为远程工作做好准备,因为远程工作的好处之一是,员工可以住在离工作总部和同事数百英里远的地方,但仍然可以完成工作. 虽然这可能意味着对生活在不同时区的人进行一些调整, 那些在家学习并利用在线学校提供的灵活性的人, will be accustomed to organizing work around their everyday lives.


Why is Remote Work So Popular?

远程办公可以让雇主节省办公空间的费用,并从更广泛的应聘者中招聘. 员工可以享受远程工作时间表,因为他们不必担心通勤,而且有更大的灵活性. 远程工作对雇主和雇员都有好处,这对许多人来说都很有吸引力.

Examples of Remote Work Jobs

虽然远程工作可能不适合每个行业,但有很多 jobs that can be done from home. Here are some examples: 

  • Web开发人员 

  • 数据科学家 

  • IT经理 

  • 营销经理

  • 翻译 

  • 职业教练 

  • 作家 

  • Customer service representative 

  • 虚拟助手 

所有这些远程工作都涉及到在线学习环境所培养的一些可转移技能. If a remote job is in your student’s future, they will see the benefits of online learning as they pursue their career. 

Is Remote Work Here to Stay?

统计数据显示 that remote work isn’t going away anytime soon, with 22% of American jobs being performed remotely by 2025. 混合工作,一种结合远程和现场工作的时间表,也很受欢迎 盖洛普民意测验 54%可以远程工作的人在混合环境中进行远程工作. 因此,你的在线学习者今天学到的技能可能会让他们在未来的远程工作世界中占据优势. 

如果您有兴趣了解更多推荐正规买球平台在线学校的好处,请下载我们的 免费eGuide to see if remote learning is the right fit for your student.  



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